Word of the Day – Brave

Aug 20, 2020

Thursday’s Note from Mr. Bart


Good morning Camp!

It’s Thursday. Our GVRC week would be winding down. Or in some ways… winding up!

Thursdays at camp are always unique. The day comes with all the preparations for skit night and the anticipation for the big dance on Friday night!

It’s also a day that tests us. Lines aren’t as straight at the flag ceremony. Have all the tribes even made it to the flag ceremony? On Monday we had most of the Specialists show up to flag and by Thursday… maybe 5 or 6? Hmmmm… I think to myself, maybe our camp staff is busy in other places around camp? Maybe there are camper issues to attend to? Maybe the pool was really cold and the polar bears are still in the showers? Maybe there’s trouble in the kitchen and the ovens aren’t working right and it could delay our breakfast pizza. Nooooooooo!! Is the yard sale having a special today? Maybe Clare has some fancy suits and dresses she’s hanging out on the porch for the dance and there’s a long line to try them on? Maybe the staff is tired? Naaahhhh, that can’t be it. These are some of the most energetic people I know. They can’t be tired…

Then, the chant starts. Double Rest. The familiar sounds begin to rise up… Double Rest, Double Rest! I shout out that we’re all looking forward to all the classes of the day. Arts and Crafts! Riflery! Music! Theme! Drama! Archery! The Pool! PE! Outdoors! Adventure! I call them all out to get the cheers going. I ask Shari to play each Specialist’s theme song. I try to get the campers all worked up about the Merit Race and the Color War. But to no avail… the chants are getting louder! DOUBLE REST! DOUBLE REST!! I give in… ok, there will be double rest. The campers and staff cheer wildly! Everyone is looking forward to a longer siesta today!

Hopefully, in the spirit of a GVRC Thursday, you find a way to rest your mind and your body today. Maybe Ms. Bonnie can send us a meditation? We can all use some time to go to the “happy place” in our minds. I know where I’ll go…

I’ve thought a lot about today’s word of the day. Believe it or not, it’s not rest. It’s not sleep. It’s not meditate or mindfulness. However, those are all wonderful things to consider today.

Today’s word of the day is BRAVE.

Be brave. We are in a time when we all have to be brave. We have to stay together and remain strong. The world is changing and there are so many challenges to face, so we must remain strong and brave. Being brave doesn’t just have to be about facing danger or being a hero. It can mean just taking on the challenges of the day. It could mean standing up for those who can’t. It may mean taking action for what you know is right, even when it’s not popular. In my years at GVRC, I have seen acts of bravery that inspire me. A camper who was afraid of dogs, petting one with the support of a loving counselor. A camper jumping into the deep end of the pool for the first time. A young rookie helping a camper with feeding and personal care. Counselors staying up all night to check on campers to make sure they are all safe and warm. Brave acts, all.

I hope you find a way to be BRAVE today.

And in spite of double rest day, I also ask that you remain woke.

Even when you may rest up and care for your mind and body in a relaxing manner, stay woke GVRC.


Here Is Love.
-Mr. Bart

Camp staff traveled the state to support another amazing Long Island fundraiser for GVRC! A great time had by all! Thank you Jake and Lauren Miles! 💙 ...

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12th annual Long Island fundraiser for GVRC is tomorrow! Thank you Jake and Lauren for your continued support! We love you! ...

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Beautiful tribute to Mr. Mike at the golf tournament today 💙 ...

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Good luck to all the golfers today! Here is love! 🏌️🏌️‍♀️⛳️ @kaitlynhoag @hoag1093 ...

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A group of GVRC staff is doing a booty bike ride to camp this year!

If you would like to join us or donate or share below is the current riders and their Venmo names.

Moe: @Maureen-McAnany
Jeff Peacock: @miller_jeffery
Julie Sullivan: @Julie-Sullivan-103
Audrey: @AudreyDiMatteo

If you donate via Venmo please put Booty Bike or GVRC in the memo.

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Registration is now open for the Big Sky Golf Tournament on July 13, 2024! Visit golf.gvrc.org to register or sponsor! All proceeds benefit GVRC! @kaitlynhoag @hoag1093 ...

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(Funny post ahead)
Respect the Archery Specialists or we will make darkness consume the entire earth forever!

In case the world does end with today’s eclipse:
GVRC has been a true blessing in life and we are glad for the opportunity to work with all of you.

If the world does not end today we will see everyone in August!!

Mr. Jim, Terry & Wally too

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Tonight’s event has been postponed due to weather! Will post when new date is established! Thanks for understanding! ...

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Come out to support Mustang Madness in Dansville - March 22nd at 6:30PM - all proceeds benefit GVRC! ...

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